Thursday, October 31, 2019
Exam I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Exam I - Essay Example The Mexican civilization decided to learn from the ancient Toltec. For Aztec, the Toltec were the origins of all cultures. There were several mythologies for Aztec because they had combined several traditions with their own earlier traditions. This resulted in the formation of diverse culture in Mexico. The Ixtlilxochitlââ¬â¢s legend is one of the most important and complete creation in Mexican mythology. According to the myth Lord is the one who created the universe, stars, animals, mountains and humans. The mythological stories created by the Mixtecs are also important in the origin of Mexican mythology. It mainly describes about the isolation of people of the Southern part of Mexico. Apart from them the Mexican Noah and the Sacrificed Princess are some other important mythologies of Mexican origins. The Mexican Noah describes about the destruction of the world due to evil nature of humans. On the other hand the sacrificed princess describes about the ritual of sacrifice. The Fugitive Prince is another Mexican mythology that describes about the greed and self-survival nature of humans. The political advancements are clearly visible from this mythology. There are several other mythologies that have built up the Mexican beliefs. The most important part of the Mexican mythology i s unity in diversity. Despite the existence of several civilizations and cultures the pattern of worship is almost similar. The Huitzilopochtli is the best example of Mexican mythology that proves the common patterns of the Mexican beliefs. It is about the rising up of the skies of the South and it is surrounded by trees, divination symbols, temples and patterns. The Aztec mythology is the collection of myths of Central Mexico and Aztec civilization. Mictlantecuhtli and Quetzalcoatl are the two Gods worshipped by the Mexican people as the God of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Global Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Global Marketing - Essay Example This research aims to evaluate and present globalization that has opened a plethora of opportunities for organizations and communities to trade across national and supranational boundaries. International marketing is the term coined for trade between the different international entities and is set to evolve into global marketing. Global marketing is an evolving concept with some similarities to international marketing in the advantages it provides in terms of marketing strategies, cost reductions, etc. However, it is also considered to be quite unlike international marketing in terms of the need for a holistic approach towards marketing. While international marketing focuses on standardization of marketing practices across the various national and supranational boundaries, global marketing is an evolution of the concept of international marketing that is holistic in its approach to trade and its marketing practices and tends to leverage both standardization and adaptation as the mark eting strategies based on the products and market segment. While international marketing concerns the contextual marketing of products and services, global marketing is the standardization of international marketing. With standardization, there are benefits like cost savings, uniform brand image and improved co-ordination, and with adaptation, organizations benefit from differences in user conditions, regulatory factors, consumer behaviours and customized marketing concepts. (website 1). Global marketing concept implements more or less the same marketing theories that apply to international marketing or even traditional marketing with the difference those organizations have to almost uniformly cater to different markets and customers. Three domains of knowledge: cross-cultural, country-regional and cross-border transactional knowledge is required for organizations to operate globally within a management orientation framework called EPRG (Ethnocentric, Polycentric, Regiocentric and G eocentric) framework as shown in Figure 1 below (Keegan, 2011). Figure 1: EPRG framework for global marketing. Source: (Keegan, 2011). Several determinants or driving forces of global marketing that differentiate it from international marketing are: technology, regional economic agreements, market demand, transportation and communication infrastructure, quality, product development cost, world economic trends, organizational abilities and transnational environments. However, there other factors that restrict global marketing: inability of organizations to create a culture conducive for global marketing and cross-border barriers (Keegan, 2011). Global marketing is a mix of adaptation and customization of international mar
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Toys and development from theory to research
Toys and development from theory to research The first twelve months of a childs life are crucial for physical and cognitive development. At six months an infant should be able to reach for and grasp objects so that during months 6-12 they learn to transfer objects from one hand to the other, grasp a spoon across their palm, can sit without support, begin to crawl, pull themselves up and walk with assistance, and may begin to walk without assistance. These process of these developments are explained in cognitive theories. One of the most influential cognitive theorists of development is Jean Piaget (1896-1980). Piaget proposed that a child is born with a repertoire of sensory and motor schemes, such as looking, tasting, touching, hearing and reaching (Boyd Bee, 2009). Through the process of assimilation, accommodation, and equilibration, a childs schemes evolve into more complex mental schemes. Piaget proposed that this happens through the course of four stages: sensorimotor stage, pre-operational stage, concrete operational stage, and formal operational stage. It is the sensorimotor stage that concerns the development of schemes in an infant. During the sensorimotor stage, a baby understands the world through its senses and motor actions. In relation to the development of an infant from 6-12 months are Piagets substages of secondary circular reactions, and coordination of secondary schemes. Secondary circular reactions, which are noticeable around six months are an infants repetitive actions oriented around external objects. Also, at this stage, infants may show some signs of imitation, and an understanding of object concept (understanding of the nature of objects and how they behave) and object permanence (that objects continue to exist when they are out of sight) (Boyd Bee, 2009). At around 8 months of age, an infant reaches the fourth substage of Piagets sensorimotor stage the coordination of secondary schemes. In this stage, an infant begins to show an understanding for causal connections, which leads to means-end behaviour, purposeful behaviour carried out in pursuit of a specific goal. An infant can now combine schemes, and can transfer information from one sense to another (cross-modal perception). Another cognitive theory is that of Vygotskys sociocultural theory, which asserts that complex forms of thinking have their origins in social interaction rather than in an individuals private explorations (book). Vygotsky believed that a childs learning of new cognitive skills is guided by an adult (or a more skilled child/sibling) through scaffolding a structured learning experience which is most beneficial when adapted to the childs zone of proximal development (developmental level). Vygotsky also emphasizes the importance of active exploration, in particular, assisted discovery. Recommended Toys Little Bird Told Me Softly Snail Snuggle-time Play-mat and Gym This colourful, multi-textural play-mat contributes to the secondary circular reaction stage of Piagets sensorimotor stage. The mat is designed to develop fine motor skills with the help of its detachable rattle toys and teething rings. Features such as its musical antennae and baby safe mirror are included to help develop sensory schemes. The pillow, which comes with the play-mat, can help an infant to develop motor skills as it can be used as a chest support for tummy play, which can also encourage the development of gross motor skills such as rolling over, and crawling. This toy is also beneficial as it can assist infants in the coordination of secondary schemes, for example, the means-end behaviour of pressing the antennae to hear some music. This toy is also ideal for a 6 month old infant to learn through assisted discovery, as Vygotsky suggested. VTech Singing Nursery Rhyme Book This interactive book, which is full of rhymes and flashing lights, along with hide and seek functional features, of different colours and textures, is suitable for an infant of 6 months or older. This book is designed to stimulate the senses and improve hand to eye coordination. While it is an ideal toy to demonstrate Vygotskys assisted discovery with the help of an adult, it is also a toy that can help with Piagets secondary circular reactions and the coordination of such secondary schemes, such as understanding object permanence, and causal connections. This toy is also durable through further stages, as it is can help teach different language sounds, and colours. Fisher Price Rainforest Jumparoo This toy includes a variety of colours, textures, sounds, and moving toys. Not only does it encourage the development of fine motor skills through the use of toys, but it also encourages the development of gross motor skills such as standing, and turning. Jumping movements activate lights and sounds, which stimulate the infants senses, and also cause the movement of the hanging toys which help with the development of Piagets coordination of secondary schemes, e.g. intentional means-end behaviour, and cross-modal perception. This toy is full of features to facilitate Vygotskys assisted discovery, e.g. understanding cause and effect and encouraging hand-eye coordination. Go Go Caterpillar This small moving toy, suitable for 9 months plus, is colourful, and contains colourful and noisy beads within its wheels. It encourages the development of gross motor skills as it pushes the infant to crawl or continue after the toy. The toys also has letters and numbers on it, which through the help of Vygotskys scaffolding, can lead to the learning of different letter sounds. Also the simple process of pressing the toy to make it move encourages the development of Piagets coordination of secondary schemes, such as learning cause and effect through repetition, and developing cross-modal perception. Little Superstar Sing Along Stage This toy (suitable for 6 months and older) encourages singing, dancing, and discovery on a number of levels. It has colourful features, which each make unique noises, including rattles and buttons, and also has a lights display. Along with this is a microphone and instruments which play songs, and there is a built in child friendly mirror. The toy in general motivates expression and movement, and is ideal for assisted discovery, while the use of the instruments and microphone encourage the development of fine motor skills such as hand-eye coordination, and the coordination of schemes such as means-end behaviour. The colours, lights, and mirror function as sensory stimulants, while the toy as a whole helps develop the coordination of schemes, and encourages activity. Conclusion Overall, cognitive development in an infant is highly important. Piaget and Vygotsky both have cognitive theories to explain development, and while they both have limitations, they can both be applied to all of the five toys I have chosen as the best toys for physical and cognitive development of an infant, and in particular an infant between 6 and 12 months. For Piaget, the most important developments between these months are those secondary circular schemes, and the coordination of these schemes, including fine and gross motor skills, through assimilation, accommodation, and equilibration, while Vygotsky suggests that development occurs through social interactions guided through scaffolding, and assisted discovery.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Speakers Role in Three Poems by Howard, Wyatt, and Raleigh Essay
The Speaker's Role in Three Poems by Howard, Wyatt, and Raleigh The speakers in "Farewell, False Love," by Sir Walter Raleigh and "My Lute, Awake!" by Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder have similar motivations, although the poems have differing constructs. Each speaker seeks to unleash his venomous emotions at a woman who has scorned him, by humiliating her through complicated revenge fantasies and savage metaphors. Through this invective, he hopes to convince us of this woman's inward ugliness. Raleigh catalogues a long list of conceits for his false love: she is every horrid thing from a "siren song" to "an idle boy that sleeps in pleasure's lap". The overtone of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey's "Alas! So All Things Now Do Hold Their Peace!" bears more similarity to that of a soliloquy of lamentation than a libellous study. The speaker seems more preoccupied with his own woe than with shaming his absent love before us, his audience, of whom he seems only peripherally aware. He does not berate the object of his affections for not requiting his love, only regrets that she cannot be with him, drawing a contrast between his heavy inward emotional swings and the peaceful night which outwardly surrounds him. Several centuries after these poets lived, John Stuart Mill would write an essay called "What is Poetry?" that codified a distinction between what he called "poetry" and "eloquence". He writes: . . . when he [the poet] turns round, and addresses himself to another person; when the act of utterance is not itself the end, but a means to an end -- viz., by the feelings he himself expresses, to work upon the feelings, or upon the belief or the will of another; when the expression of his emotions, or of his thoughts tinged ... ...women whom supposedly seduced them in their youthful naivete. The narrator of "My Lute, Awake!" takes a distinct pleasure in conjuring up a future where his lover, not he, lies "Plaining in vain unto the moon." Raleigh's vehement yet affected language are entirely out of keeping with the innocent-schoolboy image of himself he would have us believe. Surrey's speaker does not need to protest that he was beguiled, nor make any excuse for his misplaced emotion, because he is not aware of our listening, and therefore can feel no embarrassment at our knowing he was rejected. These three poems, then, are written in the voice of the spurned lover. In two of them, this lover is cognizant of our presence and seeks to impress us with his impassivity; but in the third, he pours out his sorrow and minds not whether we think the less of him for his poor choice of women. Ã
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Accounting consultation Essay
My future career choice is to become an accounting consultant; this job would require me to create financial reports, pro-forma financial statements and reports for businesses. I would have to analyse, interpret and evaluate financial statements and reports for various authorities accounting consultants help businesses with all of their financial needs. In order to become an accounting consultant, I would have to upgrade my mathematical, technical and accounting skills. I can better my skills in accounting softwareââ¬â¢s, I can do this by taking courses online that teach me how to use specific accounting softwareââ¬â¢s, taking this course would help me to progress in my career path as I would have the knowledge and this would help me stand out from other people, giving me a better chance of getting a job to be a successful accounting consultant. See more: Homeless satire essay Examples of websites that have online course that can teach me on how to use specific softwareââ¬â¢s are: and I can improve my skills in accounting by gaining a degree within an accounting course at university. Gaining a degree would mean that I would have three years to learn about accounting thoroughly and this would help me to gain the skills in accounting that I need, it would also help me improve my mathematical and numerical skills as accounting already consists of numerical skills so whilst studying the subject, my numerical skills should also improve. Another way that I can upgrade my accounting skills is by taking a professional accounting course, an example of a course that I can take is AAT, this course will give three qualification at the end and will give me the chance to learn practical skills to prepare me for my career choice, It teaches all the accounting skills that I would need to become an accounting consultant. For me personally I think a degree in an accounting related course is the best option as I believe that the learning is more intensive which means that I will be able to learn more thoroughly and also I will have the option of taking a sandwich course which means that I would not miss out on the real life practical side of accounting. The courses that I have applied for university are: 1. Business with accounting 2. Accounting with finance 3. Accounting with management I have chosen these courses as they all will allow me to reach my future career goal. I have not chosen to do accounting on its own as I believe that It can limit my knowledge, studying another topic will further my knowledge as I can see how accounting can relate to other subjects. By the end, I hope to have achieved a BSc degree in an accounting related subject with either a first or a 2:1. This print screen show the information about the AAT course, I have found out all the information about the course from this website. This print screen is of an online forum that discusses the pros and cons of both the course and a degree, this helped me come to a decision as all the discussions were from the point of views of students as well as professionals. Research Skills: I have used research skills both during my business course and during my UCAS application. I have used research skills in the units in the business course as I had to research various things in order to complete assignments and course works. A specific unit where I had to use research skills in unit 31 as this unit required me research about different businesses and find out things like their policies, their history and also trends. I used research skills during UCAS to find out about different courses available and I had to research universityââ¬â¢s that we the best for me. Over all I think I have used my research skills well as I have researched effectively and found out the information that I needed. Literacy: I had to use literacy skills whilst completing my UCAS application as I had to write out a personal statement, which required me to have immaculate literacy skills, however I do not think that I have used the skill well as there were many mistakes in punctuation. I have also used literacy skills during my business units for example in Unit 15 I had to create posters and reports, these documents required good literacy skills although I do not believe that I have used the skill very well and grammar and punctuationà required a lot of improvement. Planning: I have to plan all my work within my business course, I need to plan to ensure that the work is handed in on time and it is not done at last minute to ensure that the work is presented at the best of quality. I believe that I am using this skill well as I have not handed in any work late, however I do occasionally find y self-completing work last minute which needs to be improved. Decision-making: I had to use decision making skills while completing my UCAS application as I had to make the correct decisions as to which 5 universities I want to apply to, I believe I have carried out this skill well as I decided realistically as I only applied to the universities that have the requirements that I can meet also I based my decision on the units the universities courses have. Problem solving: During unit 15 there were alit of problem solving tasks, i have tried to solve all the tasks however there were a few that I could not solve. I have to also do problem solving in unit 5, as I had to solve problems within a cash flow, I had successfully solved all the problems within the data. Time-management: I need to ensure I have good time management for both UCAS application and the Business course. I need to make sure that I hand in by UCAS application by the beginning of December, I believe I am managing my time effectively as I am ready to hand in my application and It is the middle of November. I also need to ensure that I have good time management Ability to prioritise:
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Emo Subculture
The Sensitive Subculture A skinny white boy dressed with long black hair, a tight-fitting vintage t-shirt, a pair of torn black skinny jeans and checkerboard converse sneakers walks on stage, strums his skull-covered guitar and sings. Emo is a subculture that heavily relies on emotion, mostly sadness and depression, and takes the emotions to an extreme; emo is short for emotional hardcore. The people in the emo subculture focus on emotion because they do not want to conform to the laid-back popular culture.They express their emotion through a unique music genre, fashion, and a melodramatic attitude in order to distance themselves from the common pop culture. The emo subculture originated from a style of music that mainly focuses on expressing manââ¬â¢s emotions through lyrics about love, anger, and hurt. The music genre conveys women as sexual muses, victimizing the man. While the music of the pop culture welcomes and encourages women sexuality, emo music has made women the origin of emotional pain for men, depicting them as ââ¬Å"heartbreakers. â⬠The music also creates messages about emos feeling isolated.For instance, the image of the album cover for the emo band, silverstein, shows a boy with long hair, wearing tight jeans, sitting alone, and weeping. In their album, Silverstein sings about, love, anger, hurt, and isolation, so the album cover reflects what the music in the album is about. Along with love, anger and hurt, emo music also sings about violence. Blood, kill, dead, hate, and pain are some common lyrics that are used in emo music and are usually directly related to women. The lyrics suggest that women cause pain for men; however, in the common pop culture, men are the ones who are inflicting pain on women.The emo subculture breaks away from this by reversing it. This rebellion is expressed through the emotional music and lyrics of the emo subculture. Along with music, the emo subculture expresses their emotion through a unique recessive fashion. The typical emo fashion consists of skinny jeans, tight t-shirts, zip-up hooded jackets, studded belts, converse or skate shoes, black nail polish, eye liner on both genders, and the notorious emo hairstyle. The typical hairstyle is comprised of long, straightened, black bangs brushed to one side of the face covering one or both eyes.In the second image, the boyââ¬â¢s thick black hair is covering both of his eyes completely. The way his hair covers his eyes, shared with the black shirt signifies how he wants to be secluded, and concealed in the dark. He does not want to see others and does not want others to see him. While the dress of pop culture is very brand driven, baggier, and represents how the culture is open, the slim fitted clothing the emos wear shows how they keep to themselves, focus on themselves, and worry about themselves in order to remain distant from the mainstream fashion.One cannot identify someone as being in a subculture just because of his or her f ashion or musical tastes; the attitude of a person must also be considered. The attitude of the emo subculture can be described as shy, quiet, sensitive, glum, mysterious, self-pitying, and introverted. A typical emo teenager in high school usually sits alone in the corner of the class, keeps to himself, and almost always looks depressed; If he is found with other people, it will usually be with other emos. The subculture has a unique attitude towards life as well.Emos feel that no one accepts them, so they outcast themselves, and view the world around them in a more emotional way. For example, if a common teenager was rejected by a group of people playing basketball because there was already even teams, he would pay casually accept it, and go on with his day. But, if an emo teenager was rejected, he would he would take it personally by assuming it was because they do not socially accept him. Emos tend to over exaggerate the emotions that one might usually feel.They express these em otions through the attitude they have towards life and everyday experiences in order to break away from the pop culture. The emo subculture uses intense emotion to rebel against the common pop culture by over exaggerating the simple emotions one feels in everyday life, showing how they want to be recluse by the way they dress, and singing lyrics of strong emotion. On the stage, the vocalist cries as he sings lyrics of how the woman he loved has left him feeling heartbroken and isolated. Emo Subculture The Emo subculture consists of two distinct groups. The Emo Subculture The term ââ¬Å"Emoâ⬠that is now applied to individuals originated as short hand for ââ¬Å"Emotional musicâ⬠Traditional Emo Sub-Culture This ââ¬Å"emotional musicâ⬠draws from a broad range of contemporary genres linked with the common consistent themes of emotionally vivid views often associated with adolescence. For many youths of the mid-80s this music functioned as a safe-haven for emotional expression.Over time a subculture was formed around this mutual appreciation and in turn became a safe-haven where youths could freely express themselves while facilitating social interactions and identity formation for these introspective people. From this sprang the Emo subculture that rejected the mainstream in favor of independent performances. Additionally this culture allowed individuals to express their societal views with like minded people, creating the activist stance they are known for today.A s the popularity of the Emo movement grew it became much more accessible to the mainstream industry. Modern Emo Subculture As a result a re-invention of the music and culture was spawned and became the Modern Emo Subculture. While sharing many traits with the traditional Emo this new subculture embraced the mainstream direction of the Emo-music. In time the modern Emo would drift further from it's origins and the previously extreme individualism and non-conformist outlook was replaced with the familiar features of a Trend.This change in outlook paved the way for the signature style Emos are known for today as fans of popular Emo bands began to emulate their idols in both dress and style. The modern day Emo has ironically become heavily influenced by mainstream media and popular figures Emo Influences The Seven P's Marketing to Emos The product we are offering is a clothing range suited to the Emo culture.Product Our product will be differentiated from our competitors in a variety of ways. Our primary method of differentiation will be through the careful establishment of specific product affiliation to key Emo cultural figures and rallying points. We have targeted our approach in this manner to make efficient use of the insular nature of this subculture, making endorsements and sponsorships significantly more effective then those of more traditional consumer bases.The products we offer will also be recognised and differentiated by design. Our products will incorporate patches and logos with popular political, socio-economic and human interest messages much in the same way that many other clothing lines promote bands and groups. It is our belief that the Emo subculture will respond well to the clothing styles with which they are familiar, coupled with the opportunity to express their beliefs and individualism.The price management of the product will be integral to the success of this project Price Entering the Market Place We plan to enter the market in a less t raditional manner in order to take advantage of The Emo's specific traits In the initial stages of our entry to the market we will be undertaking projects to distribute our products at Indie rock music festivals. In particular targeting specific ââ¬Å"up and comingâ⬠independent bands and groups Through this we believe we will be able to achieve some portion of the fans devotion to these groups securing customer loyalty while simultaneously achieving our primary goal of brand affiliation.In tandem with this approach we will be selling our products in our own online stores Only after completing our initial placement will our products be offered in retail stores We make this decision with the belief that this approach will generate a sense of exclusivity and hype within the Emo subculture to appeal to the individual nature of our consumer base We are confident that this can be facilitated through the use of social networking sites, in which the Emo subculture is highly active.Pr omotion is one of the cornerstones of our product implementation plan Promotion In addition to this our clothing range will not be separated into the traditional men's and women's categories. Instead we will offer a single androgynous clothing line to match the style and needs of our consumer base. To further facilitate the individuality of the Emo subculture our online stores will allow customers semi-custom design of their purchase through a set selection of logos and logo locations.Allowing customers to choose which message is displayed on what part of their clothing. E. g. A customer may choose to display a pro-vegan logo on the left shoulder or the right breast pocket. We shall be undertaking a number of promotional activities in order to achieve our brand recognition and product affiliation goals. As mentioned in previous sections it is our primary goal to affiliate our products with popular Emo bands and figures, such as Avenged Sevenfold and My Chemical Romance, as well as w ith key concepts and issues important to the Emo subculture.We can achieve this through advertisement at popular concerts either including the acts directly or through banners and posters Additionally we will be hosting giveaway events at concerts with free t-shirts, jackets and other clothing in order to further promote our brand image within the Emo subculture It is also our intention to host sales stalls at charity events with partial proceeds of these sales being donated to the charity in question.Many charity events are popular within the Emo subculture and this is an important opportunity for our corporation to further its image of sharing the same fundamental values as our consumer base. Of course we will also be implementing advertisement activities though social media such as Facebook and Blogging sites. The Emo culture has an active presence on these sites and it represents a cost effective process of engaging our target market.In our dealings with a characteristically exp ressive consumer base it is important to ensure enjoyable interactions People By distributing our products through popular Emo retail stores such as we will be ensuring that the staff will be able to relate to the customer This is important within the Emo culture as fashion is treated as a social statement As we will also be selling our products at concerts, music festivals and charity events, it is imperative we employ staff that can understand and relate to the Emo culture.This has the added benefit of requiring less training for these low level retail positions It is important to make the purchasing process an enjoyable experience Process This is especially true when dealing with such a close-knit and outspoken community. With such specialist products word of mouth could make or break.In order to achieve this we will be focusing on our employees being capable of rapport with the customer and individual opinion on choices as well as the implementation of our online customisation o ptions Emos are characterised as creative and expressive, it is our belief that these customisation options and the ability to discuss their choices with like minded individuals will greatly enhance their experience.Depending upon the success of the customisation function we may implement a custom order system for the independent retailers Physical Evidence Cost plus pricing strategy will be used to target segment with high disposable income Through analysis of the physical evidence we will be able to determine the suitability of our product range Joey Keifouz Ronald Mills Peter Whitehead The Emo Tribe Factors which increase subculture influence Emos and the Macro-environment Demographic environment â⬠¢Increasing diversity: the population in Australia s becoming more ethnically diverse, which increases international exposure through personal relationships. Economic environment â⬠¢Increases in consumer spending: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 2. 5% over the previous yea r, which translates to an increase in total spending of the same amount. Natural environment â⬠¢Environmental sustainability: Our product will be developed using environmentally sustainable resources.Technological environment â⬠¢Manufacturing innovation: technology is constantly increasing manufacturing capabilities and reducing production costs â⬠¢Social media: The advent of social media has increased advertising exposure for many subcultures including Emo. Political and social environment â⬠¢Increased ethical and social responsibility: product designs are politically influenced and promote messages of responsibility.Factors which decrease subculture influence Emos and the Macro-environment Cultural environment â⬠¢View of nature: the increasing amount of the population which believes in natural responsibility will increase the popularity of our product range. Demographic environment â⬠¢Changing age structure: the average age of the Australian population is s lowly increasing. The Emo subculture is traditionally comprised of older teens and young adults. This will decrease the available market. Demographic environment (cont. ) â⬠¢Geographical population shifts: populations are moving away from capital cities.This not only decreases exposure to Emo subculture, but also decreases advertising effectiveness. Demographic environment (cont. ) â⬠¢More professional population: The rise of professionalism is likely to reduce the popularity of Emo subculture. Economic environment â⬠¢Changes in consumer spending patterns: retail sales have decreased for 2012, eg. From June sales have dropped by 0. 8% Natural environment â⬠¢Environmental disasters: There is always possibilities of natural disasters such as fire and flood which could damage manufacturing capabilities.Political and social environment â⬠¢Changes in legislation: increasing legal restrictions may influence our products. Eg, legislation which bans public political stat ements would cause a sharp decrease in sales. Sales data will be collected from retail and online stores Analysis also reveals success rate of marketing strategies towards Emo segment Online ââ¬Å"secret shopperâ⬠to obtain consumer perspective on our product range As a subculture based upon a musical genre the ââ¬Å"non-conformistâ⬠Emo may indeed be more heavily influenced then thers Influences upon the Modern Day Emo are not limited to that of high profile bands and celebrities In today's society the Emo is easily recognised by their dark fitted clothing, distinctive hairstyles and overall androgynous approach to fashion. Due to the interconnection of the subculture Emos receive significant influence from their peers resulting in partial feedback causing core issues to self maintain within the society Of this group of peers some Emos have themselves achieved semi-celebrity status as bloggers and rallying points for the Emo subculture
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
SMS Quotes to Text to a Loved One
SMS Quotes to Text to a Loved One In todays hi-tech world, love has also gone hi-tech. While people still believe in expressing their love, they want to communicate their feelings instantly. The use of the internet and mobile technology has enabled instant communication. So if you are one of those tech-savvy individuals who want their feelings to be known right away, using the following SMS love quotes will serve your purpose. Short Love Quotes You Can Text W. E. HenleyOpen your heart and take us in,Love - love and me.Sarah BernhardtYour words are my food, your breath my wine. You are everything to me.David ReedLove me and the world is mine.Herman HesseIf I know what love is, it is because of you.AnonymousWithin you, I lose myself, without you, I find myself, searching to be lost again.James J. WalkerWill you love me in December as you do in May,Will you love me in the good old-fashioned way?When my hair has all turned gray,Will you kiss me then and say,That you love me in December as you do in May?Erica JongLove is everything its cracked up to be. Thats why people are so cynical about it... It really is worth fighting for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you dont risk everything, you risk even more.AnonymousAs I gaze upon your beauty, I think to myself, never have I seen an angel fly so low...Elizabeth Barrett BrowningI love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you.Shirley BasseyId like to run a wayFrom you,But if you didnt comeAnd find me... I would die.Ibn AbbadMy night has become a sunny dawn because of you.HobbesI think we dream so we dont have to be apart so long. If were in each others dreams, we can be together all the time.AnonymousOnly a person who has not felt true love can move on in life saying There are lots of other fish in the sea.Dick SutphenLove me without fearTrust me without questioningNeed me without demandingWant me without restrictionsAccept me without changeDesire me without inhibitionsFor a love so free...Will never fly away.Steve WinwoodThink about it, there must be higher loveDown in the heart or hidden in the stars aboveWithout it, life is a wasted timeLook inside your heart, Ill look inside mine.Antoine de Saint-ExuperyAnd now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.Henry David ThoreauI love you not as something private and personal, which is my own, but as something universal and worthy of love which I have found. AnonymousJust because somebody doesnt love you the way you want them to, doesnt mean they dont love you with all they have.
Monday, October 21, 2019
buy custom Bones Muscle and Mental Health essay
buy custom Bones Muscle and Mental Health essay Exercise can be defined as any bodily activity that aims at promoting or maintain good health and body fitness. It is done to strengthen body bones and muscles, cardiovascular system, honing athletic activities, maintain weight loss, for enjoyment among other reasons. Exercise can range from highly physically engaging activities for example weight lifting, to moderate intensity aerobics for example brisk walking or opting to take the stairs. Physical exercises can be categorized into those aimed at strength training, agility training and eccentric training. Physical exercise helps combat health conditions and diseases.It prevents high blood pressure, cardio vascular diseases, mental syndrome, strengthens bones and muscles among others, while generally improving individuals ability to undertake daily chores. Exercise also helps maintain positive self esteem. Since physical exercise improves physical fitness and overall health wellness, it helps individual feel good about themselves. According to (Kenneth 2009), physical exercise helps improve on individuals sexual appeal and body image. Exercise in children it prevents ailment s like obesity which in the recent years has become a menace to society. This condition which is generally caused by accumulation of eexcessive fat in the body can be prevented through physical exercise as it helps burn up excessive calories in the body leaving children healthier. Among aging exercise adults its helpful as it improves on their cognitive function and generally boosts ones moods. It is credited for preventing insomnia and reduces chances of suffering from depression as its physically and mentally demanding. Health benefits of exercise far outweigh the risks of getting hurt as it helps one maintain a healthy weight, build and maintain body and bone density, joint mobility, psychological wellbeing, muscle strength and reduces surgical risks hence making it a very important undertaking.. Buy custom Bones Muscle and Mental Health essay
Sunday, October 20, 2019
An Exploratory Study Of Attitudinal And Behavioural â⬠Free Samples
Leadership is crucial in every organization that exists today. A great leader can help a team reach the pinnacle of success. On the other hand, a bad leader can misguide the team and adversely impact the teamââ¬â¢s performance (Kesidou & Carter, 2018). An effective leader must be capable to make sound decisions and earn respect. It is imperative to understand the leadership qualities that one possesses in order to ensure being a charismatic leader in the future. A good leader must always work towards finding the solution to a problem rather than the other way round. An optimistic leader can keep the morale of the teammates high and create a positive environment at the workplace (Goleman, 2017). It is important that the leader is optimistic to build trust, respect and motivate people to work hard. In the times of a crisis, an optimistic leader will not lose hope but rather motivate his team mates to stay positive and face the situation. For example: Steve jobs is the founder of a leading brand the Apple Inc. Steve Jobs has faced various issues in his entire lifespan. He was diagnosed with a life threatening illness. He was fired from his own organization and very often he did not have the means or resources to have an entire dayââ¬â¢s meal. Despite all these adverse situations, he continued to positive and remained optimistic throughout. This helped him make the best out of every situation and such an attitude allowed him to make such a significant mark in the world.à A great leader must be visionary. It is important the leaderââ¬â¢s eyes are set on the future and it is easy for him to anticipate what the future might hold. It is essential that the leader looks beyond the present and provides for a solution for future problems of the world. A visionary leader will always be better prepared for the future. Such an attitude helps leader introduce new technologies and set long term future goals. For Example: Elon musk is a true visionary leader. He works hard and builds technologies which have never been seen before. It is only his ability to see through the future and devise strategies that allow him to perform better than his competitors and stand apart. His visions for the world are a source of inspiration for many people across the globe. A charismatic leader automatically draws attention towards himself and creates a set of loyal followers. A charismatic leader is always easy to follow. There is something about a charismatic leaderââ¬â¢s personality and aura that makes the leader different from the crowd. Such a leader finds it easy to motivate people and persuade them in the right direction. For Example: Narendra Modi is the current Prime Minister of India. He is a charismatic personality and when he announced his candidature for the Prime Ministerial elections in the country, there was no doubt that he would be elected by a majority vote. Through his charisma and flamboyance, he has participated in various international events, established relationships with many countries and attracted millions of investment in his country.à One of the most important aspects of a leaderââ¬â¢s personality would always be the leaderââ¬â¢s ability to make quick decisions. A leader would often be put in critical situation where he would have to make decisions on an urgent basis. The magnitude of the decisionââ¬â¢s impact may also be massive. Therefore it is imperative that the leader possesses the ability to make quick decisions for himself and his team (Bolman & Deal, 2017). For Example: Dr. Raghuram Rajan who is a renowned economist and currently a professor at the University of Chicago. The man has served as a chief advisor for the IMF and has been the chief of the central bank of India. Raghuram Rajan has changed the face of Indian economy by taking crucial decisions of the country. He revived the interest rates, brought down inflation and this led to the growth of the Indian economy. Being a great leader automatically comes with abundant responsibility. There are a large number of followers who are associated with a great leader. Therefore it becomes the responsibility of the leader to be ethical and create an example in the society (Ciulla, 2014). This aspect is very crucial in order to ensure that no leader has a negative influence on the society. For Example: Ratan Naval Tata who is the founder of the TATA group of companies has not only created a storm by building a solid brand but has also redefined ethics by following the path of righteousness throughout his lifespan. The TATA group of companies has not been a part of any scandal and they have always taken great care to ensure the growth of their stakeholders. My biggest strength is that I am a highly optimistic person. I try to see the best in every situation. I remain positive and I try to spread that positivity across people. I have worked very hard to remain positive and even in terms of a crisis I put efforts to remain positive and handle the situation with optimism. I have always believed that I have a strong personality and I often easily become the center of attention in a group of people. I have worked hard to build this personality. This personality also makes it easier for me get an audience who will listen to me attentively. This has been possible due to many competitions that I have participated in.à As mentioned earlier, that in case of a crisis too, I find it easy to remain optimistic. Therefore it is easy for me to make quick decisions and handle any situation practically. I am easily able to perform a situational analysis of my current condition and find it easy to make a decision that deems to be most appropriate. I often find it difficult to focus on long term goals. My short term visions are very clear and I am of the opinion that I can only aim for the next goal once the goal at hand has been achieved. I need to build this skill in order to be a successful leader. I also find it difficult to remain ethical. I try to make the most profit out of a given situation and I strongly believe that some ends justify any means. This makes me get tempted towards doing unethical activities. However, I now make a deliberate effort to not get lured into the wrong direction. Culture is basically a group of people who have the same history, religion, beliefs, morale and knowledge. Culture holds a massive impact on the individualââ¬â¢s leadership skills. I come from India and here we are taught to give respect to people coming from different backgrounds. This is exactly what makes a positive person. I am empathetic in my behavior due to my respect and understanding of different people. This will positive impact my leadership skills. In the country, we have a massive population and we often have to adjust to the situations that are presented before us. Hence it makes me able to take decisions and see the best in every situation. Steve Jobs in the founder of the Apple Inc. He is an entrepreneur who has inspired millions of people with his innovation, optimism, decision making and effective leadership abilities. My biggest strength is my communication skills. I have always been good at communicating with people and making my voice heard. I try to establish deep relationships with people around me through my communication skills and it also helps me resolve conflicts as and when they arise. For example: Steve Jobs created a loyal team of followers through his oratory skills. Steve Jobs was invited to various universities to deliver speeches because they inspired millions of people. Every leader must have great communication skills (Fairhurst & Connaughton, 2014). These speeches are still available on YouTube and are a source of motivation for people. My next strength is my optimism and my ability to make the best out of every situation For example: Steve Jobs spent days without adequate resources, faced immense failure and criticism, was fired from his own company and even faced terminal illness but he continued to remain optimistic and turned every situation around to the best of his abilities. My weakness is my inability to be forgiving. For Example: Steve Jobs was betrayed by his own people and fired from a business that he started. However, after the establishment of Pixar, he accepted to work with Apple Inc. again. I need to learn this skill and work upon being more forgiving. It is important that one develops leadership qualities at an early stage as the future often presents people with various leadership opportunities. My reason behind working on my skills is to ensure that I become a great leader and leave a significant mark in the society. I need to work upon my ability to remain patient and not become aggressive. I often feel very possessive about myself and my team and I tend to become aggressive in discussions if I truly believe that I am right. I need to work on this skills to ensure better coordination with people in the future. I also need to be able to build long term goals and become a visionary to ensure that I can set long term goals for my team and bring in innovation. This will help me a gain an advantage over my competitors and I will be able to introduce something new in the world. Courses on leadership: In order to improve my leadership skills there are various courses that are available that can be taken. I will register myself for those course and work upon improving my skills. Books by role model: My role model is Steve Jobs and there are various books that have been written that include his journey as a leader. I would read those books and gain learning from the same. Revise goals: I will start working towards setting long term goals and will continue to revise these goals on a daily basis. This will help me get used to making a long term goals for myself and my team. I will also read various books to work on this and use planners to ensure setting a more strategic future goal. Meditate and read: In order to ensure that I remain ethical throughout my career I will work towards doing meditation and reading spiritual books that will help me and guide me in the right direction to remain ethical. External motivation: It is important for a leader to continue to remain positive and motivated. I will read various books and watch motivational videos to remain motivated and inspired throughout. Motivation is temporary and therefore it often requires to be fueled through external sources every now and then. Feedback: In order to consistently improve my leadership skills, I will take consistent feedback from my seniors, family members, peers and juniors. I will do my best to take all the feedbacks constructively and work towards the suggestions given to me. Experience is the best teacher and there is no learning that classrooms can give which experience cannot. Feedback from teachers and friends will help me improve my skills in the right direction and work towards improving upon my weaknesses. Online tests which test oneââ¬â¢s leadership abilities are available in abundance throughout the internet. I will take these tests frequently and work upon the feedback received from these tests. Money: I would require money for taking classes and online tests. Time: I need to devote a considerable amount of time to work upon improving my skills Internet: This is required for me to take online tests Books: I would be reading books on leadership to enhance my skills. Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017).à Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley & Sons. Ciulla, J. B. (Ed.). (2014).à Ethics, the heart of leadership. ABC-CLIO. Fairhurst, G. T., & Connaughton, S. L. (2014). Leadership: A communicative perspective.à Leadership,à 10(1), 7-35. Goleman, D. (2017).à Leadership That Gets Results (Harvard Business Review Classics). Harvard Business Press. Kesidou, E., & Carter, S. (2018). Entrepreneurial leadership: an exploratory study of attitudinal and behavioral patterns over the business lifecycle.à International Review of Entrepreneurship. Getting academic assistance from
Friday, October 18, 2019
Politics and society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Politics and society - Essay Example The winning party is required to win approximately 20 percent of the total votes on top of winning approximately 20 percent of the legislative seats (Jez, 2010). Under the FPTP system, the pattern is repeated time and time again. In addition, the FPTP excludes minorities from fair representation. Under the rules of the system, some parties put up the most broadly accepted candidate in a particular district so as to avoid alienating the majority of electors. This then ensures that candidates, especially the black minorities do not to get a major partyââ¬â¢s nomination in majority white districts in the UK. It is quite evident that the ethnic and racial minorities across the world are far less likely to be represented in elections done under the FPTP system. The exclusion of minority groups due to the voting behavior can lead to unstable political systems (Dunleavy, 1999). Further, the FPTP system excludes women from fair representation in the legislature. The idea that the most broadly accepted candidate affects the ability of women in getting fair representation. Women are often less likely to be selected as candidates in male dominated societies as well as male dominated party structure. It quite evident across the world, that women are less likely to be elected to the legislature under the plurality systems than under the alternative vote according to Norris (2001). Politics and political parties based on clan, ethnicity or region can also be encouraged by the FPTP system. This may lead to general campaigns and policy platforms on conceptions that are attractive to the majority of the voters in their region but exclude or are hostile to others. There is the likelihood of the country being divided into geographically separate party strongholds, with little chances for parties to sell their ideology outside their home regions and cultural political base (Dunleavy, Margaret and Weir, 1998). Consequently, the
Case Analysis Paper Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Analysis Paper - Case Study Example Apparently, foreign investments have immensely contributed to growth of Indiaââ¬â¢s economy. The government of India is more likely to adopt or implement a more robust policy regime to lure more foreign investors into the country (Enz, 2010). Led by Narendra Modi (Prime Minister), the government has ultimately approved various economic reforms in the recent past in an effort to attract more investors into the country, especially those in the service industry. For instance, the government is likely to open doors to international hotel chains to join local establishments in the vastly competitive hospitality industry. The deeper pockets, such as cash and many other resources of international hotel chains are likely to give India competitive advantage over domestic chains (Dayal-Gulati & Jain, 2010).. The economy of India will particularly record a major growth as international hotel add a great deal to the revenues collected from the hospitality industry. The government of India has allowed foreign investors to invest directly in its economy, giving the country a competitive edge over its domestic chains (Dayal-Gulati & Jain, 2010). However, the advantage of the deeper pockets might not be sustainable in the long-run. Apparently, Indian government must protect its local established and infant chains. Although international chains significantly contribute to the growth in the countryââ¬â¢s revenue, they (foreign/international chains) may eventually trigger collapse of local competitors. Growth in popularity of Indian market is likely to increase the aggressiveness of other global and domestic chains, posing enhanced or heightened competitive threats (Dayal-Gulati & Jain, 2010). However, domestic chains also play an integral role to stabilize Indiaââ¬â¢s economic growth, as well as to give the economy a fairly systematic resilience. The Indian government, on the other hand, has to play its part not to let foreign corporations take
Wide realist definitions of state and anarchy Essay
Wide realist definitions of state and anarchy - Essay Example The major question therefore is: how do the arising conflicts get resolved? In addressing this question, the realists have defined the state as a sovereign entity that has no competing governmental authority over it, which can enforce promises or protect the country against aggression by other countries. Thus, the concept of realists in relation to State is that as a sovereign entity, it is upon the state to decide how it will deal with both internal and external problems. Further, the realist concept observes that a state exists in a ââ¬Ëstate of natureââ¬â¢, where like humans, states are existing on their own, and must work out how to live with each other in the international arena, since the states as collective entities do not have any higher authority over them, for example, a world government that can restrain them, a condition known as ââ¬Ëanarchyââ¬â¢ (Adem, 2000, p.12). Therefore, the realist concept of 'state' and 'anarchy' is that a condition of war between nat ions is permanent and expected since, as opposed to internal feuds between different groups within a state which can be restrained by a civil government of the state, there lacks any global institution or government with the ability to restrain the aggression of one country against another, resulting in a situation where states are the most important and unitary actors in the world politics, and thus anarchy reigns supreme in international relations.... The state of nature dictates that human nature is not kind, but rather self-centred and egoistic (Hopf, 1998, p.172). This being the case, even the wisest attempt to end the conflicting world systems will not be able to work out any solutions, and thus nations must always be prepared for wars. This is the same aspect that has been demonstrated by history, that increasing military strength, if not superiority, has been the constant attempt for all nations in the world (Mearsheimer, 1990, p.7) In the light of this, the realist concepts of 'state' and 'anarchy' is that it is only military might that can win wars, and as such, the realists fundamental principle is the maximization of state security, through build-up of military might, which is the only way through which a state can be able to avert any threatens of international aggression on its sovereignty and territorial integrity, due to the lack of any legitimate world government that can exert control over states, and thus restrain foreign aggression of a state against another (Adem, 2000, p.17). Power is in the core of realist concepts of 'state' and 'anarchy', where in the international systems, states are always striving to ensure that their security is guaranteed and protected, as they embark on competing for resources and power (Ashworth, 2002, p.37). Thus, according to realists, states are rational actors in the global sphere, where they are engaged in rational calculation of their interests, which then becomes the basis upon which the states interact with others, on the international scene. National security remains the overriding interest and concerns of the states,
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Managing conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Managing conflict - Essay Example It is important therefore, to resolve conflicts quickly and openly. There are several kinds of conflicts that can be manifested in teams. There would be arguing and discussing about issues that matter to the organization like cost cutting, making the work force more productive or how to counteract a competitor. These are essential discussions that would mostly be beneficial to the group or organization. These predispose good exchange of ideas and opinions that would most probably lead to workable, if not excellent solutions. These kinds of conflict are task-led and should be encouraged. However, if teams display an open dislike for one another or are engaged in a ââ¬Ëword war,ââ¬â¢ then, this would be more of a destructive kind. The team would be experiencing an interpersonal conflict defined with animosity and heated exchanges. These conflicts would ultimately affect the whole team as it makes the atmosphere for work tension-filled (Team Building, 2009). As a team leader, managers are often in the position to handle conflicts within his or her team. It is therefore needed that the leader is strong and can take charge of the situation. He or she must have the strategies to allow the team to communicate effectively, create rapport, resolve conflict and lead and motivate the whole team. He must also fully understand the diversity of the group by appreciating the various viewpoints, experiences, skills and opinions. Conflict should first be handled on an informal basis between the individuals involved. This will allow time for resolution or self-correction by the individuals. If the conflict remains unsettled, a mediator can be brought in to help resolve the situation. If resolution is still not achieved the dispute should be openly discussed in a team meeting. A formal disciplinary process needs to occur, if resolution is not achieved after being addressed at the team level (Rayeski & Bryant,
Sustainable Leadership - develope Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sustainable Leadership - develope - Essay Example For the development of a sustainable leadership experience, certain strategies that increase company value by taking opportunities and managing factors that affect business (Avery & Bergsteiner, 10, 2011). In order to acquire and achieve the required success, leaders must be able to interact with people, both outside the business and inside the business. They must be able to be kind and caring. Leaders should make a point of getting to know the people around them well and in a deeper level (Edge Equilibrium. 2012). Knowing people will help leaders know what they value most and who they truly are in business and outside it. Learning about other peopleââ¬â¢s basics like family members, their anniversaries or birthdays go a terrific deal in ensuring that such human interactions and connections make leaders sustainable (Szà ©kely, & Knirsch, 630, 2005). Sustainable leaders know a thing or two about innovations, and they are innovators. Knowing how to be innovative and coming up with brilliant ideas, means that as a leader, one is willing to aim higher. A sustainable leader also surrounds him with ardent innovative minds (Casserley, & Critchley, 167, 2012). A sustainable leader is flexible, in that, no matter which direction life flows, he will still remain standing strong. To be a flexible leader means that every step that is taken is towards the betterment of the business. Flexibility is essential if a leader wants to succeed in business since just as life flows uncertainly, so does business, and it is the leadersââ¬â¢ responsibility to guide it down the right path. A sustainable leader plans and prepares for succession. This will ensure that for effective succession, those who follow them are more dynamic and have the potential and will to maintain the momentum for improvement. A sustainable leader has a clear vision and target that he wishes to accomplish within a speculated amount of time. They use their
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Kmarts Downfall Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Kmarts Downfall - Essay Example The competition model established by Porter is an analytical tool for studying industry behavior and corporate strategies. It is derived from industrial organization economics and includes five forces. These forces, in turn, determine the level of competition, and thus that profitability of a market. These five forces comprise of substitutes, competitors, new entering firms, bargaining power of suppliers and customers. The facts of this case study reveal that Kmart was facing intense competition from Wal-mart and Target. Wal-Mart initiated the movement of every day low prices, which was a more worthy substitute for products in Kmart. In addition, Wal-Mart utilized information technology to keep a record of sales in all of their stores and for ordering stocks of fast moving items. Wal-mart heavily invested in information technology by installing new registers with barcode scanners in every store during the 1970s and early 1980s, which fed the sales data into the back-end computers. This information, in turn, assisted them in planning future strategies, deciding which products reap more profit. Thus, they gained a competitive advantage. By 1983, Wal-Mart was able to receive goods for only two cents whereas Kmart had to pay five cents per dollar for getting goods to stores. This meant that Wal-Mart was in a position to sell products at a price three percent lesser in contrast to Kmart. Then, another c ompetitor Target began a new campaign in which they depicted themselves as a low-cost source of quality and style mart. They focused on merchandising. These attractive schemes took away Kmartââ¬â¢s market share. This demonstrates that Kmart was under intense pressure of substitutes, competitors, and lost customers. In 1987, Kmart undertook investments worth 1 million to modernize their systems.Ã
Sustainable Leadership - develope Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sustainable Leadership - develope - Essay Example For the development of a sustainable leadership experience, certain strategies that increase company value by taking opportunities and managing factors that affect business (Avery & Bergsteiner, 10, 2011). In order to acquire and achieve the required success, leaders must be able to interact with people, both outside the business and inside the business. They must be able to be kind and caring. Leaders should make a point of getting to know the people around them well and in a deeper level (Edge Equilibrium. 2012). Knowing people will help leaders know what they value most and who they truly are in business and outside it. Learning about other peopleââ¬â¢s basics like family members, their anniversaries or birthdays go a terrific deal in ensuring that such human interactions and connections make leaders sustainable (Szà ©kely, & Knirsch, 630, 2005). Sustainable leaders know a thing or two about innovations, and they are innovators. Knowing how to be innovative and coming up with brilliant ideas, means that as a leader, one is willing to aim higher. A sustainable leader also surrounds him with ardent innovative minds (Casserley, & Critchley, 167, 2012). A sustainable leader is flexible, in that, no matter which direction life flows, he will still remain standing strong. To be a flexible leader means that every step that is taken is towards the betterment of the business. Flexibility is essential if a leader wants to succeed in business since just as life flows uncertainly, so does business, and it is the leadersââ¬â¢ responsibility to guide it down the right path. A sustainable leader plans and prepares for succession. This will ensure that for effective succession, those who follow them are more dynamic and have the potential and will to maintain the momentum for improvement. A sustainable leader has a clear vision and target that he wishes to accomplish within a speculated amount of time. They use their
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Impact of Alcohol Essay Example for Free
Impact of Alcohol Essay Impact of Alcohol Works Cited Missing Alcohol plays too significant a role in society today and should be an after thought as opposed to the most essential addition to any social event. Alcohol creates numerous social, economic, and health problems that could very easily be stopped if it played a less influential role in every day events. The us [tags: Research Alcohol Drinking Essays] 1253 words (3. 6 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Alcohol Consumption Alcohol Consumption As we discussed in class, there is a concept that each individual has more than one self. An individual has both a physical self and a mental or emotional self. I will give you an example to illustrate this concept. Many people who wake up to an alarm in the morning often find it very difficult to get themselves o [tags: Health Alcohol Drinking Essays] :: 5 Sources Cited 1152 words (3. 3 pages) Strong Essays [preview] The Effects of Alcohol The Effects of Alcohol Works Cited Not Included Alcohol is a substance that has numerous diverse affects on the body-both positive and negative. Alcohol not only kills brain cells, but when taken in profusion it has almost no constructive affects. Sure it can make one overlook his/her problems, but the consequences of drinking in ex [tags: Papers Alcohol Drinking Liquor Essays] 1171 words (3. 3 pages) Better Essays [preview] Alcohol and Teens Alcohol and Teens From pastures to unsupervised blowouts at home, the social calendars of most teens are full of alcohol. Other drugs rise and fall in popularity from generation to generation, but alcohol never really goes out of style. From being worshiped by the ancient Babylonians to being forbidden to teenagers, alcohol has caused many [tags: Drinking Underage Alcohol Abuse Essays] :: 7 Sources Cited.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Freelancing: The Financial Issues
Freelancing: The Financial Issues A freelance musician is a professional musician who is self-employed. This might be as a musician, singer/songwriter, session engineer, producer, artist manager, music publisher, music promoter, event manager, or more than one of these. A study in the USA by the National Endowment for the Arts, found that nearly 45% of professional musicians are self-employed.[1] I intend to set myself up as a freelance music producer as I believe that working on a freelance basis will provide autonomy and flexibility over my working life and the freedom to explore and develop different aspects of work that interest me. I hope to work on a wide range of projects with companies across the industry, and make new contacts on each new project that will help to further my career. This paper reviews some of the financial issues that any self-employed person must deal with in the music industry. Freelancing allows you more control of your financial future. For instance, you will not have to hope for the infrequent pay rises that come as an employee. However, on the downside, freelancing also means that you are directly responsible for your income. If you do not work you do not earn any money and your income can be uncertain and unpredictable and may vary considerably from month to month. Freelancers have no set salary, no paid holiday or sick leave, no paid training, and no automatic enrolment in pension or health insurance schemes. Being self-employed also affects your eligibility for unemployment benefits.[2] Freelancers may have less social interaction with workplace colleagues and can risk becoming isolated. They also need to manage the financial issues that would normally be taken care of by an employer. These issues are not difficult to deal with, but they require time and effort, and meticulous record keeping. Budgeting For many musicians, the line between profit and debt is very fine. You need to prepare a budget to ensure that you spend less than you earn.[3] The first step in budgeting is to calculate the costs of meeting your basic needs, that is items such as rent, food, mobile phone, internet and professional expenses. The website of the Savvy musician provides a useful template for monthly budgeting.[4] It is the optional expenses like eating out, buying new clothes and consumer goods that often cause problems unless they are managed carefully. Credit card expenditure needs to be managed particularly carefully, otherwise the monthly bill can come as a shock. Ideally you should pay off the credit card expenses immediately to avoid late payment fees and interest. If you are thinking of making a major purchase, it is wise to ask yourself how long it will take you to earn that money.[5] Ideally, to cope with the risks and uncertainties of freelancing, you should have savings that will cover at least six months of basic expenses. Freelancers also need to consider their retirement. This might seem like an irrelevant distant eventuality, but the sooner you set up a retirement fund, the better. It is essential to take professional advice on your pension options. Income Income from self-employment is known as trading income.[6] Many freelancers are over-optimistic about their likely income, especially when starting out; it is better to err on the side of caution. There are many ways to earn money as a musician.[7] Few musicians rely on one source of employment; the majority juggle numerous different roles. A survey in 2012, by the Future of Music Coalition (which aims to ensure that artists are paid fairly for their work), found that more than half of the professional musicians surveyed earned their money from three or more roles. Only 18% of respondents made their income from a single role.[8] It is sensible to have a range of income sources to draw upon in case circumstances change in one area of your work. So, when planning your business, think creatively about all the ways you might earn money. Brainstorming the options, can lead to some surprising avenues such as teaching, tutoring, selling jingles and ringtones, or playing non-traditional instruments. The Future of Music Coalition has published a list of over 40 possible sources of revenue for musicians.[9] It is also important to remember that, despite recent funding cuts, some organis ations do still provide grants for musicians for specific projects. Some of the sources recommended by the Musicians Union are listed in Appendix 1. You can of course, work both on a freelance basis and as an employee, and many freelancers start in this way, perhaps employed by an orchestra, or a music studio, and gradually building up the freelance side of their work. However, this can involve a fine balancing act, since it is important that you are available for freelance commissions. If you are approached but are not available, then that contact may not ask for your help again. Obviously a key issue is to decide what hourly rate to charge for your services. When you are starting out as a freelancer, this can be hard to gauge. It is advisable to try to get a sense of what the going market rate is in the field in which you intend to work. You may have a rough idea of your worth, but do ask around to check that you are not under or over estimating what you can charge. You may also need to be flexible with your rates. When you are just starting out you may find that you need to take whatever work comes your way, even if this means that you do not always get to use the full range of your professional skills. You may need to accept more menial roles. For example, as a freelance producer, I accept that I may need to carry out some of the tasks that I might expect a session engineer to perform such as setting up the recording studio microphones, consoles, booths, amps, stands, or sound checking for live events. Or I may do the work usually undertaken by a session engineer such as recording, editing and mixing audio. Many freelancers undersell their skills simply to get work and it can be a fine balancing act to get work at a rate that reflects your skills. This does take both experience and confidence and it is something that you will learn after some time in the industry. Contacts and Networking While you may be working for yourself, your work prospects are highly dependent on your network of contacts and on developing good relationships with others in your field. The better your contacts are, the more likely it is that some will be able to push work in your direction. So, keeping your contacts list up to date, and actively seeking new contacts in the fields that you want to work in, is essential. This may involve attending record launches, socialising where those in your field hang out, even helping for free in studios in the hope that you will make useful contacts. Those who succeed independently are often ruthless in their pursuit of good contacts. You need to plant as many seeds as possible in the widest possible range of fields, with the aim of diversifying your sources of work and revenues so that, if for some reason you fail in one field there are other options to pursue in other fields.[10] Be organised Whether you use an accountant, or look after your own books, you must be organised, particularly regarding expenses claims, and must set aside time every week to ensure your books are up to date. You must keep copies of all your receipts, contracts, invoices and correspondence in case the Tax Office (HMRC) require evidence for your accounts. You are also obliged to retain this information for up to 6 years after submission.[11] Ideally your documents should be filed in chronological order, and separated into different types of document. Receipts It is advisable to pay for as many things as possible by cheque or credit card as this gives you a useful double-check on expenses, and provides a receipt in case you lose the original. It is also recommended to have separate bank accounts for your business and personal affairs. If possible, you should also have a different credit card for work-related expenses, so that these are clearly separate from any personal expenditure. It is a good idea to staple any receipts for items paid by credit card onto your credit card statement. Spreadsheets The easiest way to keep track of your expenditure in a way that will help you or your accountant to submit the annual tax return, is to set up a simple Excel spreadsheet (although dedicated financial management programmes are also available). The columns in the spreadsheet might for example, be labelled as follows: Date (expenditure incurred) Item (description of expenditure) Cash} Cheque} How you paid Direct Spending} Debit card} Credit Card} Phone} Internet} Print/post} Subscriptions} Books/Music} Type of Expenditure Computer} Equipment} Wages} Consultancy} Entertaining} Travel/Subsistence} VAT} Accountants} Tax} You then organise your receipts in chronological order and enter the details into the spreadsheet. Invoices should be numbered sequentially and paper copies filed as they are submitted. A similar Excel spreadsheet can help you keep track of when invoices were sent, the amount of VAT and expenses they include and when they were paid. The columns might for example be labelled: Invoice No Date sent Date received Total amount Expenses VAT Total Net Running Annual Total Accountant As your business grows, you may decide to hire an accountant. If you are earning around à £20,000 a year, with à £2,000 annual expenses, you may find your own accountant pays for itself.[12] People who do their own taxes are often unaware of all the deductions that are legitimate, so the money spent on hiring an accountant can pay off.[13] Either way, do seek advice on what expenses are deductible. Contracts It is obviously essential to ensure that you are paid for your work, and are paid fairly. Rather than leaving this to chance, or trusting to the goodwill of your employer, you must have a robust contract for all the work that you undertake. There are many unscrupulous agents and managers in the industry who will exploit those who fail to handle this appropriately. Always get professional advice before signing contracts, as these can contain complex clauses which could reduce your income substantially. Invoicing You should submit your invoices promptly and professionally; otherwise your income could be delayed by your own inefficiency. If your contractor has cash flow problems, then that is their problem. You must not allow your generosity or inexperience to leave you out of pocket. The Musicians Union lists a number of elements that all invoices should include:[14] Business name, logo, (if you have one), address, phone number, email address; Contact name for queries; VAT number (if you are VAT registered); Company Number (if you are trading as a Limited Company); Date of invoice and invoice number (generally sequential by date issued); Engagers name and address; Description of the services date, times and venue etc.; VAT payable; Expenses; Total due; Payment information bank name and address, account name, account number and sort code, plus IAN number and Swift Code (for international payments); Terms For example: Strictly 30 days net. Late Payment of Debts The Musicians Union also provides guidance on the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998. Under this Act, you may be able to claim statutory interest at 8%, and may also be eligible for compensation for late payment. The Unions legal services can help their members to pursue debts.[15] Expenses Keeping track of all your business-related expenses is absolutely crucial; many of these will be either tax-deductible or will need to be claimed back from your engager. This can be laborious, but is well-worth doing accurately as it can save a lot in unnecessary costs. HMRC has many detailed rules regarding items that can be claimed as legitimate business expenses, but essentially anything claimed must be used solely for your business. Legitimate expenses can include computers, data storage, music software, instruments, instrument cases, strings, drumsticks, resin, instrument insurance, repairs and spare parts, manuscripts and sheet music, publicity costs (flyers, badges, T-shirts, posters and photos), hire costs for rehearsal rooms, studios and instruments, audio equipment (such as CD or MP3 players), memberships, coaching, commission paid to agents and managers, solicitors fees, theatrical clothing, stationary, printing and photocopying, postage, business-related phone calls, internet costs, travel and expenses, entertainment and any other related expenses. If you use a distinct area of your home as an office, and use it just for business purposes, you can also claim for a proportion of the total running costs of your home the interest on your mortgage, or your rent, property and contents insurance, and utilities.[16] However, if you also use your home office for another purpose such as a guest room, then the amount that you can claim may be restricted. Some bills, such as phone use, must be apportioned into personal and business use before making a claim. You can also claim for any wages that you pay (e.g. for secretarial help or roadies). However, if you regularly use assistants you may need to sign up to a PAYE scheme which will involve deducting tax and National Insurance Contributions.[17] Many musicians travel extensively and all travel costs can be claimed. If your car is used for both business and pleasure, it is essential to use a mileage logbook to record details of the mileage. If you want to claim part of your car expenses against your tax, it will then be relatively straightforward to work out the proportion of business to private mileage.[18] Motoring expenses cover road tax, insurance, petrol, servicing, maintenance, spare parts, subscriptions to motoring organisations, interest on loans for buying a vehicle, vehicle rental, and garage leasing. Instead of recording all your motoring expenses separately, it can be simpler just to claim Authorised Mileage Rates (AMRs). Currently the HMRC allowance for use of your own car or van, is 45p per mile for the first 10,000 miles. Any mileage over this in one year can only be claimed at 25p a mile. Motorbike rates are 24p per mile, and the rate for travel by bicycle is 20p a mile. To use this scheme, business mileage must be logged separately, but you cannot claim any other motoring expenses apart from parking fees, road tolls and the congestion charge.[19] The AMRs scheme is only applicable if your turnover is below the VAT registration threshold[20], à £83,000 a year (from 1 April 2016).[21] You must stick with one or the other scheme. Airfares and taxi, bus and train fares are all claimable, as are accommodation and subsistence costs (food and drinks). However, it is advisable to be modest in what you claim as any expenses can be scrutinised by HMRC. Collecting Royalties The world of music licensing and royalties is highly complicated, and the literature is full of stories about expensive legal disputes between artists, writers, recording companies, publishers, and internet companies. So, you may need to take legal advice if your income is dependent on collecting royalties. The system is also changing in response to demands from the industry, so you need to keep a careful watch on new legislation, particularly in the digital field. There are several types of royalties: Public Performance royalties are paid to songwriters and publishers by anyone who publicly performs their music on radio and television, live performances, retail outlets or over a service like Spotify or Pandora. Mechanical royalties are paid to songwriters and artists for CD or DVD sales, and when music is streamed on-demand (e.g. Spotify).[22] Print royalties are generated from sheet music for writers or publishers only. These royalties are typically bundled with performance rights royalties. Songwriters and recording artists usually assign their rights to a third party to manage, instead of trying to track a songs use and seeking payment independently. Song copyrights are often assigned to a music publisher, while master recording copyrights are assigned to a record label. Musicians and artists receive royalties in various ways according to their field. Many royalties are paid through membership of a collection society. In the UK, these are: PRS for Music, represents songwriters, composers and music publishers. It licenses the use of members compositions and lyrics and if a members music has been performed or broadcast, it collects and pays out the licence fees. In 2012 it collected music royalties of à £641.8m.[23] MCPS (Mechanical Copyright Protection Society), collects licence fees on behalf of writers and publishers when their music is sold. PPL cover royalties from recorded music when it is broadcast or played in public. While PRS for Music charge a à £50 joining fee, there is no charge for PPL at present. Royalties from PRS are paid quarterly while those from PPL are paid on an annual basis. In relation to radio and TV broadcasts and live performances, the royalties are calculated exactly. However, for background music (as in say, shopping precincts), payments are based on survey data. It is advisable to join a collecting society if your music has been recorded, broadcast, performed live or played in public.[24] The licensing and royalties system is highly complicated and contains many middle-men all of whom take their share of the profits from music. It also has several specific problems that artists should be aware of. These include bad contracts for example those that contain clauses that reduce royalties due to breakage fees, which may have been reasonable when most music was distributed on vinyl, but are still included in contracts in the age of CDs. Grant of rights clauses mean that a contract can affect your revenue even beyond the end of a contract period. Similarly, a Controlled Composition Clause limits the amount of mechanical royalties the company is required to pay for records it releases, and holds the artist responsible for the excess. Its main purpose of is to NOT pay artists the statutory rate and to NOT increase royalties as costs of living increases; basically, to thwart copyright law.[25] This shows the importance of taking good legal advice on contracts. Sole Trader or Limited Company Working as a sole trader is the more straighforward way to commence your business, and allows you to focus on getting the business going without having to worry about the extra administration that comes with operating as a limited company. The process of setting up a limited company is more complex, and brings additional financial and administrative responsibilities such as appointing directors, registering with Companies House, completing company accounts and an annual return, and dealing with Corporation Tax. However, a limited company brings several benefits over sole trading. This is the main reason why after trading for a couple of years, and perhaps earning at least à £30,000 per year, many freelancers set up as a limited company.[26] The cost of setting up a company is minimal, and it is possible to handle much of the paperwork yourself to minimise accountants fees. You may not bother with an accountant if you are a sole trader with a small turnover, but most limited companies use accountants. Their charges for preparing the annual accounts for a company are normally a little higher than for sole traders.[27] Tax and National Insurance Contributions (NICs) Most freelancers set up a limited company to reduce the amount of tax that they pay. The profits of a limited company are subject to Small Profits Corporation Tax rate, which is currently 20%, on a turnover of à £300,000 or less per year. Income tax rates are currently: 0% on earnings up to à £11,000, 20% between à £11,001 and à £43,000, 40% between à £43,001 and à £150,000 and 45% over à £150,000.[28] Therefore the direct tax advantages of trading as a limited company only come into play when your earnings are over à £43,000. However, since salaries and not dividends are subject to NICs, many company directors opt to draw a small salary and to take most their income as a dividend. In this way NI contributions are minimised, which is the main reason why the limited company is more tax efficient than the sole trader route. Company directors must complete an annual self-assessment tax return, just like freelancers. The company also pays tax, but separately from its directors. This tax must be paid before any profits are allocated to shareholders, and within 9 months after the end of the period for which the corporation tax returns have been produced.[29] National Insurance (NI) Self-employed individuals pay Class 2 and Class 4 NICs. Class 2 NICs are à £2.80 per week, (except for those with low earnings). Class 4 NICs apply to annual profits, and are payable at 9% on profits between à £8,060 and à £43,000 per year, and 2% on any profits above this threshold.[30] Limited companies and their employees pay Class 1 NICs on salaries above à £155 per week. Thereafter, the company pays NICs at 13.8% of salaries, and employees pay NICs at 12% on salaries up to à £827 per week (2% above this threshold).[31] Limited Liability Under law, limited companies are deemed to be separate entities from their owners. This means that the company bank account, any assets and any tenders or contracts are just the business of the company and are totally separate from the interests of the companys shareholders. If you run a limited company therefore, your personal assets, such as your house, are protected against company debts. Sole traders do not have this protection from financial claims, and may therefore decide to take out professional liability insurance (if appropriate to the risks they face). Funding As a limited company is a distinct entity from its owner, banks can look more favourably on applications for loans than they would for sole traders.[32] Professional Many larger firms, prefer to deal with limited companies rather than sole traders. So, trading as a company can open access to a range of clients that might be reluctant to engage sole traders. Having a limited company can also bestow a more professional image; being able to introduce yourself as a Director, can mean that your clients accord you more respect.[33] Company Name When your company is registered with Companies House, its name is legally protected, and cannot be used by anyone else. Sole traders have no such protection. Shareholders Because a limited company can issue shares, you are able to sell a stake in your company, or transfer the ownership of shares. This can be an advantage if you wish to raise capital or retire. Pension Employees pensions are tax-deductible in limited companies; another tax benefit that sole traders do not enjoy.[34] Taxes A major burden as a freelancer is being responsible for your own taxes. It is your responsibility to declare your income and pay tax on it. As a self-employed musician, instead of paying tax through a PAYE scheme (as an employee would), you must complete a Self-Assessment form every year, to inform HMRC about your income, and calculate how much tax you owe.[35] If you are newly self-employed, you will need to register using use form CWF1. Most HMRC registrations can now be done online on their website.[36] HMRC will then confirm your registration and give you a Unique Taxpayers Reference (UTR). The UTR should be quoted on all correspondence and on all payments made. The tax return should disclose your taxable income for the relevant tax year. Tax Returns should usually be filed with HMRC by 31 October (for returns filed by paper) or 31 January (for electronic submission) following the end of the year of assessment. For example, for the tax year ended 5 April 2016, a paper return must reach the HMRC by 31 October 2016, while the deadline for online filing is 31 January 2017. Fixed penalties are automatically enforced for failure to submit by these dates. [37] A tax year starts on 6 April and ends on the following 5 April. For the first tax year of self-employment, taxes do not have to be paid until 31 January following the end of that year. Subsequent payments will normally be made in two instalments, in January and July each year. Payments can be made by Direct Debit, Bank Giro, online banking etc.[38] You must also keep records on any other sources of income such as: bank interest, dividends, P45s/ P60s from pension providers or employers, any benefits like the State Pension or Job Seekers Allowance, any assets you have sold, and income from any land or property in the UK or overseas. [39] As noted above, the advantage of being self-employed is that you can deduct your business-related expenses. Be sure to keep good records on everything that you spend. Organize this into a spreadsheet and keep the back-up receipts that document your expenses. [40] VAT It is not compulsory to register for VAT until your turnover, exceeds à £83,000 a year (from 1 April 2016).[41] However, you can register voluntarily no matter what your turnover is, and if you do so, you can then claim back the VAT you were charged on telephones, instruments, etc. However, this does mean that you will also have to charge VAT on all your fees (every gig, music lesson, arrangement, etc.) and handle the additional paperwork. You should seek the advice of an accountant on the benefits and pitfalls of VAT registration before deciding. Failing to register for VAT at the appropriate time, can lead to a late registration fine. Although, if your income varies and only exceeds the threshold for a short time, you can notify HMRC and obtain their prior agreement not to have to register for VAT.[42] Once you have registered for VAT, it will become chargeable at 20% on all your invoices. VAT can also be recovered on most business expenditure, subject to various rules. To recover VAT on purchases and expenses, the items must be used directly for your business and you must keep a VAT receipt as evidence, (a credit card slip is not sufficient). Items that could be used for both business and personal purposes, e.g. home telephone calls, must be apportioned and only a proportion of the VAT recovered. [43] National Insurance Contributions(NICs) As noted earlier, freelancers are responsible for their own Class 2 and Class 4 NICs. Even those who are employed, and paying Class 1 contributions must pay Class 2 and Class 4 contributions on their freelance earnings. The rates are dependent on profit levels. You must inform the Social Security office that you are in business by registering as self-employed. If you fail to do this within three months of becoming self-employed you will incur a penalty, the amount of which is based on the contributions missed and the reasons for registering late. The easiest way to pay Class 2 National Insurance Contributions every month is by direct debit to the National Insurance Contributions Office. The Class 2 rate is à £2.80 per week. Self-employed people who earn less than the threshold of à £5,965 can be exempt under the Small Profits Threshold, although they may wish to preserve their state benefit entitlements by continuing to pay the contributions. [44] The rate for Class 4 contributions is currently 9% of self-employed profits between à £8,060 and à £43,000 per annum, with a further 2% payable on all profits above this threshold.[45] Conclusion Most musicians, whether they are working as a singer/songwriter, session engineer, producer, artist manager, music publisher, music promoter, or event manager have little choice but to operate as freelancers today. There are simply not enough opportunities for full time salaried work in the industry to meet the potential demand. Employers have come to rely on the flexibility and low overheads that a pool of self-employed musicians can offer them. This is not necessarily a bad thing. It does mean that work is uncertain and unpredictable, but it brings musicians the freed
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Electoral College Essay -- Electoral Vote vs Popular Vote
This paper will take an in depth look at how the voting process works in the United States, but mainly focus on the Electoral College and its wrongs and rights in the American voting system. Itââ¬â¢s difficult to understand or appreciate the Electoral College unless one completely understands its past circumstances and the problems it was attempting to solve. The Electoral College was established to elect a president in a country that was split up into thirteen states that lacked communication and transportation and was made up of 4 million people scattered through out thousands and thousands of miles (Middleton, 2012). After many attempts to set up a voting system that was accepted by the Constitutional Convention, the idea of letting the people elect the president indirectly was brought up. Which lead to the idea of the Electoral College, which was a system that was made up to let the people indirectly elect the president through a college of electors. The Electoral College is made up of electors in each state, who represent the states popular vote. Each presidential party or candidate designates a group of electors in each state, equal to the States electoral votes, who are considered to be loyal to that candidate, to each Stateââ¬â¢s chief election official. The number of electors a state receives is equal to its number of U.S. Senators plus its number of U.S. Representatives which is determined by its population (Rae, 23). Meaning that bigger states would have more Electoral votes than little states since their population is bigger. On the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in years divisible by four, the people of each state submit their votes for the slate of electors representing their Presidential candidate which is inevitably the election of the States electors and not the election of the President (, 1). This ââ¬Å"winner takes allâ⬠system is what decides which presidential candidat e wins the states electoral votes. The Presidential candidate who wins the popular vote in the state has its designated electors given the electoral votes for that state which means that candidate wins all of the electoral votes for that state. You need 1 more than the majority of the electoral votes to win the presidency (Rae, 34). The only problem with this is that a presidential candidate can win the Presidency with out winning the popular vot... Internet Sources Consulted "Frequently Asked Questions." U. S. Electoral College: Frequently Asked Questions. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. . "Popular Vote." Dictionary of Politics and Government. London: A&C Black, 2004. Credo Reference. Web. 26 November 2012. "U. S. Electoral College: How Are the Electoral College Votes Allocated." U. S. Electoral College: How Are the Electoral College Votes Allocated. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. . "U. S. Electoral College, Official - What Is the Electoral College?" U. S. Electoral College, Official - What Is the Electoral College? N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2012. . Winston, Grant. "Poll Finds Majority Think Electoral College is a School". Web. 4 November 2012. wyfftv. "Electoral Vote vs Popular Vote." Online Video Clip. YouTube. YouTube, 5 November 2012. Web. 4. December. 2012.
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