Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Secret Of Their Eyes By Campanella Gave Me Feelings Of...

Though more than likely unintended, this movie â€Å"The Secret in Their Eyes† directed by Campanella gave me feelings of dread and despair the likes of which of have felt few other times in my life and left me with a relief and further acceptance of my dependence on God. First though I will discuss the local political themes expressed in the movie. As a foreign observer unaware of Argentina’s history or political climate, I was unable to pick up on the local subtleties of the film. Which after some digging perfectly matched up with fall into political violence proceeding the death of Argentine president Juan Peron. After the investigator’s that had a false confession beat out of a couple of suspects are reprimanded and punished the corruption and increasing moral decay mirrors that which faced Argentina. During this time of political violence and oppression as well as the â€Å"dirty† wars former criminals such as the murderer in the movie were pardoned a nd employed by the security service. The theme of gazing which is very prevalent throughout the movie. Another theme I will address is the beating down of and the undermining of machismo. Lastly past the political and societal themes I will discuss the impression this movie left on me. The theme of undermining machismo is prevalent and blunt throughout the movie. A theme that an Argentinian audience would have recognized much more easily than an American audience. The hero of the story Benjamin is ruthlessly beaten down to the

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